# registerMicroApps(apps, lifeCycles?, opts?)

  • Parameters

    • apps - Array<RegistrableApp<T>> - required, registration information for the child application
    • lifeCycles - LifeCycles<T> - optional, global sub app lifecycle hooks
    • opts - RegisterMicroAppsOpts - optional
  • Type

    • RegistrableApp<T>

      • name - string - required, the name of the child application and must be unique between the child applications.

      • entry - string | { scripts?: string[]; styles?: string[]; html?: string } - required, The entry url of the child application.

      • render - (props?: { appContent: string; loading: boolean }) => any - required, the child application triggers the render method when it needs to be activated.

      • activeRule - (location: Location) => boolean - optional, activation rules for subapplications.

        This function is called when the browser url changes, and activeRule returns true to indicate that the subapplication needs to be activated.

      • props - object - optional, data that the primary application needs to pass to the child application.

    • LifeCycles<T>

      type Lifecycle<T extends object> = (app: RegistrableApp<T>) => Promise<any>;
      • beforeLoad - Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>> - optional
      • beforeMount - Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>> - optional
      • afterMount - Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>> - optional
      • beforeUnmount - Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>> - optional
      • afterUnmount - Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>> - optional
    • RegisterMicroAppsOpts

      • fetch - Function - optional
      • getPublicPath - (url: string) => string - optional
      • getTemplate - (tpl: string) => string - optional
  • Usage

    Configuration information for registered subapplications in the main application.

  • Sample

    import { registerMicroApps } from 'qiankun';
        name: 'app1',
        entry: '//localhost:8080',
        render: ({ appContent }) => ReactDOM.render(<App appContent={appContent}>, document.getElementById('container')),
        activeRule: location => location.pathname.startsWith('/react'),
        props: {
          name: 'kuitos',
        beforeLoad: app => console.log('before load', app.name),
        beforeMount: [
          app => console.log('before mount', app.name),

# start(opts?)

  • Parameters

    • opts - Options optional
  • Type

    • Options

      • prefetch - boolean | 'all' | string[] | (( apps: RegistrableApp[] ) => { mainAppStartingAppsName: string[]; firstMountedAppsName: string[] }) - optional, whether to enable prefetch, default is true.

        A configuration of true starts prefetching static resources for other subapplications after the first subapplication mount completes.

        If configured as 'all', the main application start will begin to preload all subapplication static resources.

        If configured as string[], starts prefetching static resources for subapplications after the first subapplication mount completes which be declared in this list.

        If configured as function, the timing of all subapplication static resources will be controlled by yourself.

      • jsSandbox - boolean - optional, whether to open the js sandbox, default is true.

      • singular - boolean | ((app: RegistrableApp<any>) => Promise<boolean>); - optional,whether is a singular mode,default is true.

      • fetch - Fetch - optional, customized fetch function.

  • Usage

    Start qiankun.

  • Sample

    import { start } from 'qiankun';
  • Parameters

    • appLink - string - required
  • Usage

    Sets the child application that enters by default after the main application starts.

  • Sample

    import { setDefaultMountApp } from 'qiankun';

# runAfterFirstMounted(effect)

  • Parameters

    • effect - () => void - required
  • Usage

    Methods that need to be called after the first subapplication mount, such as turning on some monitoring or buried scripts.

  • Sample

    import { runAfterFirstMounted } from 'qiankun';
    runAfterFirstMounted(() => startMonitor());

# addErrorHandler/removeErrorHandler

# addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler(handler)

  • Parameters

    • handler - (...args: any[]) => void - 必选
  • Usage

    Add the global uncaught error hander.

  • Sample

    import { addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler } from 'qiankun';
    addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler(event => console.log(event));

# removeGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler(handler)

  • Parameters

    • handler - (...args: any[]) => void - 必选
  • Usage

    Remove the global uncaught error hander.

  • Sample

    import { removeGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler } from 'qiankun';